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Devastating Storm Kills At Least One

Hurricane-Force Winds Pummel Houston

Devastating Storm Kills At Least One

A dangerous storm with hurricane-force winds has caused widespread damage in Houston, Texas, killing at least one person and leaving thousands without power.

Winds Reach 100 mph

The winds, which reached speeds of 100 mph, toppled trees, downed power lines, and caused significant structural damage.

No Hurricane Warnings

The storm arrived without the usual warnings that come with a hurricane, catching residents and officials off guard.

Reminiscent of Hurricane Ike

The winds were reminiscent of those experienced during Hurricane Ike in 2008, one of the most destructive hurricanes to hit the city in recent history.

Traffic Lights Out

Traffic lights were knocked out in multiple areas of Houston, causing major traffic disruptions.

County Judge Issues Warning

County Judge Lina Hidalgo issued a warning to residents, saying the winds had reached 161 kmh (100 mph) and were hurricane-force.

Pummeling Continues

The storm continued to pummel Houston on Thursday, causing further damage and disruption.
